Boost Customer Engagement with Conversation Automation

  • Consumers spend 6.5+ hours online each day and expect nearly instantaneous responses when interacting with a business.
  • Nearly 22% of calls made to businesses go unanswered, leaving consumers with a bad experience.
  • Many business marketing strategies leave leads and consumer interaction in the dark.
  • WB360’s Chat to Conversion automated consumer engagement tool helps solve for these pain points, offering superior customer service.

Consumers Are Creating Conversation Complexity

Today’s consumers spend about 6 hours and 37 minutes per day online, doing everything from working and checking emails, to shopping and interacting with brands. These engagements can happen anywhere the brand is present online including the business website, social media channels, Google Business page, or via phone and SMS. Most consumers also now expect nearly instant responses from businesses, but want to interact with a brand on the channel they prefer. 84% of consumers stated they are more likely to spend higher amounts with brands who allow them to choose their preferred communication channel.

Being available all the time isn’t easy. With the multitude of available channels, paired with the “always-on” need for consumer interaction and customer service, local businesses are struggling to keep up with the demands of today’s consumers. According to a study by 411Locals, small and mid-size businesses miss up to 22% of calls. With consumers potentially willing to pay more for a product or service to get better customer service, how much business might these businesses be losing?

Providing Great Customer Service is Key

Having high-quality customer service for businesses is critical. It can mean the difference between repeat customers and lost ones. According to a recent survey by Amazon, 90% of consumers are more likely to make a second purchase from a business after having a positive customer experience, while 64% say they would switch to a competitor after having just one bad experience.

When considering most local business marketing strategies, it is increasingly common for advertisements to promote a call to action which drives consumers to the business website, landing page, or phone number. With so many calls and interactions being missed by local businesses, this can be concerning as many consumers are performing extensive research online, and want to learn more about a product or service before making a purchase or appointment decision. Bringing consumers to these destinations can be a recipe for lead loss if the business doesn’t have proper communication tools in place to continue guiding the consumer down the path of conversion.

So, how can businesses achieve excellent customer satisfaction when there are so many areas to manage consumer interactions and communication across? Website “chatbots” have been a growing trend for the past few years to solve these communication issues. Still, many website chat tools fail to meet consumer needs due to their inability to provide accurate, quick answers to questions. In addition, website chatbots can be very difficult to set up properly, often require frequent maintenance, don’t sync across multiple channels, and those that come with customer service representatives are often very costly for businesses.

The Solution: Chat to Conversion, an Automated Communication Digital Assistant

When performed well, automated solutions can help businesses meet consumers’ needs for that “always-on” customer service, providing a better customer experience—quickly, immediately, and on the consumer’s preferred channel, without having to interact with a human agent.

WB360’s new Chat to Conversion tool is a pre-trained digital assistant for businesses that is a purpose-built customer engagement, communication, and automation tool (or ECAT), working 24/7 on behalf of businesses to offer superior customer service and support across the channels consumers want to use most.

Using AI-driven automation, Chat to Conversion helps businesses engage with and convert more customers into valuable leads across the business website or landing page, SMS, Google Business profile, and Facebook. It also responds to missed calls and includes live help for customer service escalations, all at a very cost-effective price!

Chat to Conversion offers consistent consumer experience across the business’ entire network, frictionless messaging and content across multiple channels, and custom, AI-driven question handling across the brand. This enables businesses to:

  • Convert more leads with faster responses and a better user experience
  • Gain visibility into customer conversations and attribution
  • Reduce call center costs after hours

Start Winning With Excellent Customer Experience

What’s best is that businesses don’t have to worry about lengthy and complicated setups and ongoing maintenance, as the Chat to Conversion tool comes pre-trained for many of the most common industries and includes complete configuration and “live help” management by our customer setup and support team! With just a tiny bit of code added to the business website and access to the Facebook and Google Business pages, our team will have Chat to Conversion up and running for your business in no time!

Don’t let poor customer service or generalized chat bots cause you to miss out on valuable website leads and phone calls. Make sure you’re utilizing the most powerful communication strategies to support your consumer’s needs with Chat to Conversion!

For assistance with your customer engagement and support, contact WB360 today! We partner with brands of all sizes to develop and execute marketing strategies tailored to generate what matters most – measurable results.