How Much Should You Allow AI To Control Your Digital Marketing?


There is no doubt that if you are using digital methods to market your brand, you have heard the term AI. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been around for a long time, it’s not a new technology when it comes to marketing. To be honest, we have an advanced AI system in place at WB360 that helps us determine the best tactics to meet your marketing goals when we build a campaign. But do we let the AI completely guide or control our process? No. While AI has come a long way and has been the focus of many conversations lately, there is still a ways to go when it comes to your digital marketing.

The Current State of Marketing A.I.

So, where am I going with all of this? I have seen a lot of chatter lately about using AI to automate digital marketing efforts – everything from deciding how you should be marketing your brand, to allowing AI to write all of your marketing content. I’ll admit I got swept up in the ChatGPT buzz just before sitting down to write this blog. I wanted to see if I could use the AI platform to write a digital marketing blog post about geofencing for me. Imagine saving an hour or more of my day writing content for me, rather than having to sit down and channel my inner digital William Shakespeare.

When I went to ChatGPT, there were so many people using the service that their servers were overloaded and not letting new users on. That’s when I started looking for similar services, which there are many, and found a couple that I tried. I followed all the instructions I was presented on how the system would craft my blog post about geofencing. It was only a few questions that needed to be answered in order for the AI to go out, grab the content research needed, and craft my blog post in the delivery style I requested. While the content I got back was certainly relevant to the topic of geofencing and the mechanics, it missed the mark on serval levels. The blog it created used all the right terminology, but really didn’t do a very good job at telling you, the reader, why geofencing could be an important tactic to use in your digital marketing plan. And now, rather than writing a blog about geofencing, here I am talking with you about AI.

A.I. Role In Your Marketing

This got me thinking about the numerous brands we work with at WB360 and how they rely on us to meet and exceed their marketing goals. While I love the idea of making all of our lives easier, would I trust an AI system to serve my clients? The answer right now is a strong no. Even the advanced AI software we use at WB360 is there as a support system and not the main driver of how we execute our campaigns. It is great to have the extra research, but nothing will replace the face to face time we spend with our client brands to learn their pain points, their goals, and the things that keep them up at night. Those are just things that AI isn’t prepared to tackle just yet. Will we get there someday? I am sure we will. But for now, the marketing AI technology just isn’t there yet in my opinion.

By now, I am sure you’re reading this and expecting the big sales pitch from my as why you should trust WB360 over anyone else. Well you should. But my point of writing this blog is to say that marketing is not a black and white art and that you should trust a well established marketing team to guide your decisions and meet your goals. No matter who handles your marketing goals, it is important that you know the experience they offer, how their systems work, and the level of customer service you can expect to receive. Be cautious of anyone who says they have the latest and greatest automated marketing system. While it might look good on the screen, will it really accomplish and exceed your brand’s goals.

We Are Here To Help You

The team here at WB360 takes pride in what we do for our clients. We want you to win! If you ever have any questions about digital marketing, or just need some advice free of charge, never hesitate to hit me or my team up. We would rather give you 10 minutes of free advice then talk to you after you have spend thousands of dollars that yielded zero results. How can we help you today?