What is a “Zillennial” and why should you care about advertising to them?


The term “Zillennial” is a portmanteau of “Z” (referring to Generation Z) and “Millennial.” It is used to describe a micro-generation that falls between the two major generational cohorts. While there is no universally agreed-upon definition for the exact birth years of Zillennials, they are typically considered to be born in the late 1990s to early 2000s, overlapping with both Generation Z and the Millennial generation.

Zillennials share characteristics of both generations, as they have experienced aspects of traditional Millennial upbringing while also growing up with the internet, social media, and digital technologies like Generation Z. They have witnessed the rapid evolution of technology, experienced the rise of social media platforms, and are generally considered to be digital natives.

Why advertise to them?

From an advertising perspective, understanding and targeting Zillennials can be important because they represent a significant consumer segment with unique preferences and behaviors. Here are a few reasons why advertisers may care about Zillennials:

  1. Market size and purchasing power: Zillennials make up a sizable portion of the population and have considerable purchasing power. They are entering adulthood, joining the workforce, and becoming independent consumers. Understanding their needs, values, and preferences can help advertisers tailor their messages to resonate with this demographic.
  2. Digital and social media influence: Zillennials are highly connected and active on social media platforms. They are often trendsetters and influencers within their peer groups. Advertising that effectively engages this generation through digital channels and social media can have a significant impact on brand awareness, reach, and engagement.
  3. Authenticity and social causes: Zillennials tend to prioritize authenticity and social causes. They are interested in brands that align with their values and support social and environmental issues. Advertisers who incorporate authenticity and purpose-driven messaging into their campaigns are more likely to resonate with this generation.
  4. Personalization and interactive experiences: Zillennials value personalized experiences and interactive content. They respond well to advertising that allows them to engage actively, such as interactive ads, personalized recommendations, or user-generated content. Advertisers can leverage these preferences to create more compelling and engaging campaigns.
  5. Multi-channel approach: Zillennials consume media through various channels simultaneously, including TV, online streaming, social media, and mobile devices. Advertisers need to adopt a multi-channel approach to reach them effectively. Understanding their media consumption habits and preferences can help advertisers allocate their ad spend more efficiently.

It’s important to note that while Zillennials share some common characteristics, they are still a diverse group with individual differences. Advertisers should conduct thorough market research to gain a deeper understanding of their target audience and tailor their advertising strategies accordingly.

How do you reach their generation?

Digital advertising and marketing is design to reach specific audiences and personas. We can dial into a custom age range and then find characteristics of the group that are most likely to become customers to your business and services. Use the contact button above to find out how WB360 can find this audience for your marketing campaigns and convert them to customers.